Our project in local media

The following articles has been recently published in our local newspapers:

1. Projekt Comenius v Gymnáziu Ľudovíta Jaroslava Šuleka v Komárne

Štvrtok 16th, Január 2014 / 14:11
Projekt Comenius v Gymnáziu Ľudovíta Jaroslava Šuleka v Komárne

Škola je školou nielen tým, že sa v nej učíme a zbierame známky. Asi týmto heslom sa riadili študenti Gymnázia Ľudovíta Jaroslava Šuleka v Komárne, keď vlani v septembri rozbehli jeden z najväčších projektov, do ktorých sa škola doteraz zapojila.
Celkový názov tohto projektu je Comenius. Užším názvom podľa témy projektu je: „MAGIC: Media Awareness Generating Informed Citizens“ (vo voľnom preklade: Mediálna výchova je zárukou informovanosti a vzdelanosti občanov). Zámerom projektu je poskytnúť študentom možnosť uvedomiť si veľký vplyv, ktorý majú jednotlivé médiá na formovanie rozhodnutí v každodennom živote. Budú skúmať sociálne siete, tlač, televízne programy a pod..
Študenti majú zdokumentovať podobnosti a rozdiely medzi zisteniami každej zúčastnenej krajiny, budú si vážiť a tolerovať odlišné kultúrne a spoločenské postoje a zvyky. Tým, že si budú viac všímať činnosť médií, budú lepšie rozumieť mediálnemu prostrediu, ktoré sa stáva v európskej spoločnosti čoraz vplyvnejším. V tomto projekte budú spolupracovať školy z rôznych častí Európy: Slovensko, Slovinsko, Grécko, Španielsko, Nemecko, Holandsko a Nórsko. Dorozumievacím jazykom je angličtina.
Každá skupina  študentov pracuje vo vlastnej krajine. Využívajú všetky možnosti sledovania médií, zbierajú informácie o objektivite médií vo vlastnej krajine. Skupiny sú v neustálom kontakte, pomocou scypu, facebooku, e-mailov si vymieňajú získasné informácie.
Projekt bude trvať dva roky a prebieha pod patronátom Európskej únie. Prvou väčšou udalosťou tohto projektu bolo nedávne stretnutie študentov a ich pedagógov z jednotlivých zúčastnených krajín v Holandsku. Na tomto spoločnom stretnutí každá skupina pripravila program s pohostením  ostatných, v rámci ktorého mali predstaviť vlastnú krajinu, jednak zvykmi, pesničkami a typickým  národným jedlom. Do ukončenia projektu budú ešte stretnutia v Slovinsku, Grécku a v Nórsku.

The summary in English:

Comenius Project at Gymnázium Ľ. J. Šuleka in Komárno, Slovakia
published on Thur, 16 Jan 2014     14:11
"What makes a school is not studying and collecting marks merely ..." a motto the students of Gymnázium Ľ. J. Šuleka may have followed before they decided to participate in one of the school´s biggest projects so far, called COMENIUS. The sub-title is MAGIC, ie. Media Awareness Generating Informed Citizens. It is aimed at making students realize what enormous an influence the media have on decisions in our everyday life.
The students are investigating social networks, the press, TV programmes, etc. Their task is to gather information  about media´s objectivity, and compare and contrast everything they and their peers from other countries involved discover.  Investigating the media, which are becoming more and more influential in the European society, will lead to their better understanding.The students will also learn to respect and tolerate different cultures and traditions, as schools from various European countries take  part in the project: Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands and Norway. The students groups are always in touch by means of skype, facebook or emails.
The project is supported by the EU and will last for two years. The language to communicate in is English so the students can practise it throughout the whole time of the project´s duration. There has already been the first visit of the teachers and their students in the Netherlands, where they  introduced the country they came from.  The visits that are yet to be held will take place in Slovenia, Greece and Norway.

  2. The article: "Nové skúsenosti gymnazistov (New experience of gymnazium students)" has ben published in the newspaper "Naše novinky"(Our news):

The summary in English:

The article, written by our students, describes the goals of the project, emphasises the work with different media in all involved countries. A great advantage of the project is the possibility to travel to four countries, to get to know the partners in person and compare the results of students´ surveys within particular tasks of the project’s topics. The students describe in the article their experience with their stay in the Netherlands, mention unusual ambience and impressions from their life on the farm near Tilburg, different activities they took part in: cycling, skating, GPS trip to the dunes and common household jobs on the farm. Mention the country presentations and national cuisines evening as well. The students emphasise that the trip to the Netherlands was also full of work with its workshops at school, visiting different museums where the excursions were connected with the topic of the project. In the end everyone was excited to visit and get to know Amsterdam.
   The work goes on. Students work on Theme Two: advertising.

3. The article: "Sme veľmi radi, že sme sa mohli stať súčasťou niečoho nového"

("We are glad that we could become a part of something new") has been published in the newspaper "Komárňanské listy" (Komárno´s paper)


The content of the article is similar to the previous one.

  Our project on lokal TV: the opening of our photo exhibition:

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